
In general the Partner API is polling-based, so you have to call our endpoints in order to get information. However, for selected partners, we added support for webhooks. Here you can provide a secret and endpoint and our system will inform you whenever a relevant (and supported) entity has changed.

How To

To get started you need to configure webhooks for your API consumer. There are 3 relevant parts to it:

  1. /webhooks/config - to set your secret and webhook endpoint we should call (read more)
  2. Our system will call your endpoint periodically (e.g. every 2 seconds) with a list of pending events
  3. Additionally you can check out the /webhooks/entries endpoint to retrieve all pending or failed events of the past 24 hours - useful to debug any issues (we provide state (pending, failed) as well as an error payload for you).


⛔️ No Guarantee of Order and Delivery

Similar to many other webhook implementations (Google, Stripe, etc.) there is no guarantee that every change is tracked or every event is successfully delivered to your system. Therefore make sure to implement a reconciliation strategy for entities that are critical to your operations (i.e. daily sync of charges using the respective endpoints).

The same is true for the order of events.

Supported Event Types

Currently we support webhooks for these event types:

Charge TransactionschargesAn event is triggered when either kwh, state, released_at or soc were updated.
Charge Auth Tokenscharge-auth-tokensAny change to this entity will trigger an event.
Charge Pointscharge-pointsAny change (except kWh changes) to this entity will trigger an event. You can monitor kWh changes either on state change or charge webhooks.
SitessitesAny change to this entity will trigger an event.
TeamsteamsAny change to this entity will trigger an event.
Team Membersteam-membersAny change to this entity will trigger an event.
Installer Jobsinstaller-jobsAny change to this entity will trigger an event.
Wallet Transactionswallet-transactionsAny change to this entity will trigger an event.
Price Groupsprice-groupsAny change to this entity will trigger an event.
PlansplansAny change to this entity will trigger an event.
ReportsreportsAny change to this entity will trigger an event.
SubscriptionssubscriptionsAny change to this entity will trigger an event.
UsersusersAny change to this entity will trigger an event.


A creation or deletion will always trigger an event for any of the above event types.

Technical Integration

See API Reference > Webhooks