🚀 Feature

  • Add new webhook event type for Users (users)


  • Adding support for price forecasts on Public Charge Points
  • Added the ability to start a charge on a Public Charge Point

🚀 Feature

  • Add endpoints to freeze / unfreeze Teams
  • New endpoint to get Wallet Transactions by invoiceId /wallet-transactions/invoices/{invoiceId}
  • New endpoints to manage and apply Team Member Profiles
  • Add new webhook event type for Users (users)



Version 2024-07-01 was soft-launched as Beta.

It will introduce more Fleet API features, more performant endpoints as well as support for dealing with multiple versions gracefully.

🚀 Feature

  • Adding support for graceful API versioning
  • Adding support for retrieving Public Charge Points
  • Adding support for retrieving Public Sites

🚀 Feature

  • Added new Insights endpoint to retrieve driver report with Team Member Cost Groups
  • Add new webhook event type for Charge Auth Tokens (charge-auth-tokens)
  • Wallet Transactions: Added field completedAt
  • New endpoint to get invoices by id /invoices/{invoiceId}
  • New endpoint to get list of invoices by wallet id as a query parameter /invoices?walletId=123
  • Added new endpoints to retrieve Users that are part of your whitelable application

🚀 Feature

  • Added releasedAt field to Charge model
  • Added fromSubAmount, fromVatAmount, toSubAmount and toVatAmount to Wallet Transactions

🚀 Feature

  • Updates to Charge Keys:
    • PATCH endpoint allows setting activeUntil
    • New endpoints added to block / unblock a Charge Key
  • Update to Insights > Driver Report: you can provide wether the report is based on wallet transactions completedAt or charge transactions completedAt date (default)

🐛 Fix

  • Generic Payment Sessions no longer require cardLast4 to be present to be persisted. For now, we persist in any Generic Payment Session that has any field filled in. Very soon will make it a requirement to provide at least one provider and externalId
  • Generic Payment Sessions require the fields provider and externalId to be provided.
  • Fixed a couple of fields that were not mapped correctly on the Tariffs response
  • The vat flag was not applied correctly to spot fees.

🚀 Feature

  • New endpoint for Wallets:
    • GET /wallets allows you to retrieve wallets for your operator or team
    • GET /wallets/:id returns a specific wallet by id
    • We also added fromWalletId and toWalletId fields to Wallet Transactions
  • Updates to Charge Keys:
    • PATCH endpoint allows setting activeUntil
    • New endpoints added to block / unblock a Charge Key

🚀 Feature

  • Added vatNumber to Teams model

🚀 Feature

  • Sponsored Charge Points - added new fields to chargePoint object:
    • chargePointModelId
    • brandName
    • modelName
    • firmwareVersion
    • maxKw
    • isActive
  • Added new Price Group Tags APIs - they allow you to assign tags to price group elements (charge pricings).
    • GET /price-group-tags - Retrieve your operators' tags
    • GET /price-group-tags/:id - Retrieve a tag by id
    • POST /price-group-tags - Create a new tag
    • PATCH /price-group-tags/:id - Update an existing tag
    • DELETE /price-group-tags/:id - Delete a tag
      Note: tags are scoped at operator level, so they can be used across an operator.
  • Price Group Tags are exposed on Charge Breakdowns
  • Price Group Tags can be assigned when creating Price Groups
  • Charges contain a new object publicChargePoint. This gives you public information about the charge point, such as EVSE ID, address, brand, and model.
  • You can include deleted entries for Sponsored Charge Points in GET /api/v1/sponsored-charge-points
  • Added field completedAt and chargePointOperatorName for Charges
  • Added reservable and reservationTime for Charge Points

🐛 Fix

  • Deleted Team Members are retrievable via GET /api/v1/team-members/{id}

🚀 Feature

  • Added field startSource on the Charges response, the full dictionary of types and descriptions can be found here
  • Added endpoints to create, update and delete Sponsored Charge Points, endpoints and request/response objects can be found here.
  • New endpoint for Prices Forecast /prices/forecast, this endpoint will enable partners to forecast prices for a given Charge Point and Price Group
  • Added new Insights APIs - they are replacing the Charges Insights APIs:
    • /insights/charges/charger-report: Returns a list of charge points (owned by given teamId) with the number of charging sessions and the total Kwhs consumed.
    • /insights/charges/driver-report: Returns charge insights for the given teamId (and optionally teamMemberIds) broken down by team member.
      Takes only charges into consideration that were paid for by the provided teamId.

📝 Docs

  • We have added a new field x-sunset which specifies the date for removal on all deprecated fields / endpoints. Any field or endpoint that was announced to be removed already or soon was updated for removal by 01.04.2024 to give you more time to validate your integrations.

🐛 Fix

  • Generic Payment Sessions no longer require cardLast4 to be present to be persisted. For now, we persist in any Generic Payment Session that has any field filled in. Very soon will make it a requirement to provide at least one provider and externalId


Deprecation Note

  • We have deprecated Charges Insights APIs (/charges/insights). They will be removed by 01.04.24. Moving forward make use of the new Insights APIs.



The /prices/forecastis currently in BETA phase, changes and might be subject to change in a near future release


🚀 Feature

  • New endpoint for Charges insights /charges/insights
    • This endpoint lets you get insights and breakdowns about charges for a specified period. You can get these insights:
      • totalKwh
      • totalPrice
      • totalCost
      • totalSessions
    • Broken down by charges performed at:
      • operator
      • external
      • sponsored
      • total
  • New endpoint to get and list Currencies
  • New endpoint to get and list Operators
  • Added support to set the flag canManageTeamMembers for Team Members via POST and PATCH.
  • Updated documentation around Charges state
  • Added new the ChargePointAuthToken partnerExternalId on the Charges response.
  • Team Members: Added new filter to filter Team Members by their state.
  • Team Members: Added new filters to filter Team Members by their userI, phone or email.
  • Team Members: Added new endpoint to resend Team Member invitations.

🐛 Fix

  • The Resource Not FoundThe message was ambiguous in specific situations; this has been fixed now
  • Add new price group type reimbursement
  • Renamed partnerId in charge.genericPaymentSession to partnerExternalId
  • Fix an issue with sponsoredChargePointId missing on some sponsored charges
  • Fix an issue where empty tariffs were added to each charge breakdown item
  • Renamed occp to ocpp, the protocol name was wrongly spelled.
  • Fix Charge Points costPriceGroup was wrongly mapped and therefore always null
  • Fix Charge Auth Tokens partnerExternalId and partnerCustomPayload were not being persisted during the creation step


Deprecation Note

  • We have deprecated priceBreakdown and costBreakdown fields on the Charge model both fields will be removed by 31.01.24. As a replacement for those fields, please use charges/:chargeId/breakdown.