
🚀 Feature

  • When creating a Subscription you can set discountPercentage and discountAbsolute
  • New endpoint for Charges at /charges/:id/breakdown to retrieve price and cost breakdown
  • New endpoints to manage Installer Jobs - they can be created, deleted, and retrieved
  • New Webhook entity added: Team Members - you can use this to get informed when a team member accepts their invite.
  • You can use the Webhook Config endpoint to limit webhooks to certain Event Types, currently:
    • charges
    • charge-points
    • sites
    • team-members
    • or provide * to get all entity changes delivered to your webhook endpoint
  • Added two new fields to Wallet Transactions:
    • kind: gives a hint about the reason for this transaction, ie. charge-sponsored, tax-refund, ...; Note that as of now we have 118 kinds and this list will grow over time. We will add more docs moving forward.
    • vatPercentage: the amount of VAT that was part of this transaction
  • Allow filtering Subscriptions by subscriptionPurchaseId. This allows you to find a subscription related to a wallet transaction with referenceType SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE and its referenceId
  • New endpoint to delete a Tariff Period Group
  • New endpoint to delete a Tariff Recurring Period
  • New endpoint to delete a Site
  • New endpoint to delete a Charge Point
  • Added currency as part of the Teams
  • Team Members have a new field `canRequestSponsoring which you can read/write
  • Webhooks are enabled for all existing and new consumers
  • Charges that you paid for can be obtained by using the new operatorRole filter on GET /charges with value payer
  • Added new fields to Charge Point model to determine its Price Groups
    • priceGroupId - id of the public price group
    • roamingPriceGroupId - id of the roaming price group
    • costPriceGroupId - id of the cost price group
    • sponsoredPriceGroupId - id of the sponsored price group
  • Added new endpoints to retrieve your Payment Terminals
  • Added new endpoints to retrieve your Subscription Purchases
  • Added new endpoints to retrieve and setup Charge Point Integrations
  • New Webhook entity added: Wallet Transaction - you can now get notified when a wallet transaction is created or updated.
  • New Webhook entity added: Subscription - you can use this to get informed when this entity is created or updated.
  • New Webhook entity added: Plan - you can use this to get informed when this entity is created or updated.
  • New Webhook entity added: Installer Job - you can use this to get informed when this entity is created or updated.
  • New Webhook entity added: Price Group - you can use this to get informed when this entity is created or updated.
  • New Webhook entity added: Team - you can use this to get informed when this entity is created or updated.
  • New Webhook entity added: Team - you can use this to get informed when this entity is created or updated.
  • Add new metadata section for Wallet Transactions metadata section will used to enrich transactions with either Charge or Tax Refund data.
  • Added granular scopes: you can now specify not only the entities accessible by a consumer but also if they can read, write, or delete (read more)
  • From now onwards, it is possible to patch the Team owner via Api
  • Exposing the chargePointKw for the Charges response.
  • chargePointIds are not mandatory anymore for patching a Team Members
  • Exposing the serialNumber for Sponsored Charge Points responses.

🐛 Fix

  • Fixed connectorId is not mandatory to create Charge Point Integrations anymore.
  • Add a new flag called autoConnectto allow setting up Charge Point Integrations without having to point the Charge Point to Monta
  • Fixed issue when setting up Charge Point Integrations the connectorId was being set to 0 instead of 1 when not provided.
  • Sorting Charge Points and Sites by location now allows negative latitude and longitude.


🚀 Feature

  • When creating a Subscription of type tax-refund you can modify payoutPerKwh and priceIncludesVAT field.

🐛 Fix

  • Update Plans and Subscription models
  • Fixed fromDate/toDate filter for Wallet Transactions
  • Add endDayOfWeek to Tariff Recurring Period



Deprecation Note

  • We have deprecated operatorId field on Team models. Use the new field operator instead. The old field will be removed by 01.12.23.
  • We have deprecated maxKW field on various model. Use the new field maxKw instead. The old field will be removed by 01.12.23.

🚀 Feature

  • Introduced endpoints for listing and retrieving Sponsored Charge Points
  • Added endpoints for listing and retrieving Plans
  • Implemented endpoints for creating, updating, canceling, and fetching Subscriptions
  • Added support for specifying multiple days for Tariffs Recurring Periods
  • Charge Auth Tokens Added support for the following fields when creating or updating:
    • userId
    • teamId
    • montaNetwork
    • roamingNetwork
    • activelUntil
  • Price Groups
    • New endpoint to set a default price group
    • New endpoint to apply a price group to Team Members, Charge Points, and Sites
    • Added the ability to specify a from/to dates for a fee
    • Price groups now support multiple tariffs
  • Webhooks
    • Expanded webhook support for Charge Points and Sites
    • Charges events will also be triggered when the charge was paid by the operator

🐛 Bugs

  • Fixed display name missing for team members on the charges endpoint

📝 Docs

  • Updated and added API documentation for Price Groups, Subscriptions, Sponsored Charge Points, and more


🚀 Feature

  • Create a Team no longer requires userId to be provided
  • Create/Update Tariffs no longer requires countryAreaId to be provided
  • Added the user and team member (if from CP's team) associated with a Charge
  • Charge Auth Tokens usage can now be limited to the operator's network.
  • Added support for partnerExternalId and partnerCustomPayload for Wallet Transactions
  • Added patch endpoint for Wallet Transactions
  • Added new filters to GET /wallet-transactions, you can now filter by:
    • referenceType
    • referenceId
    • state
    • group
    • partnerExternalId
  • Added new field activeAt to Charge Point model, indicating when the Charge Point was (last) activated

🐛 Fix

  • Price Groups: Added type roaming
  • Tariffs:
    • Fixed an issue where GET resource by ID would return 401
    • Fixed an issue with the validation of non-overlapping recurring periods with the same weekday
    • Fixed an issue with PATCH /tariffs/:idThat would lead to BAD_REQUEST

📝 Docs

  • Added/Updates API documentation for Wallet Transactions, Price Groups, Subscriptions, and others.


🚀 Feature

  • Beta / For selected partners: We are launching our webhooks system, starting with charge transactions. Check out the guide and the api docs. 🚀
  • Added support to starting a Charge with kWhLimit or socLimit
  • Added new endpoints to list and fetch Country Area
  • Added displayName and priceGroupId for the Team Member model.
  • Expanded patch Team Member to support more fields
  • Added new filter by the state for Charge Points
  • Operators can now access the Charges paid by their teams via GET /charges/:id endpoint. However, they are not yet included in the GET /charges endpoint. This will come in a later release.
  • Added new field type for Charges

🐛 Fix

  • Fixed access checks when fetching Wallet Transactions by id were causing 403
  • Fixed access checks when fetching Price Groups by id were causing 403

📝 Docs

  • Added/Updates API documentation for Team Members, Price Groups, and others.
  • Split our API docs in guides and api reference


🚀 Feature

  • Added new endpoints to list, create, update, and delete Price Groups
  • Added endpoint to create (invite) and delete a Team Member
  • Added endpoint to delete a Team
  • Allow listing deleted Sites and Charge Points
  • Partners can now use Monta's receipt system when providing genericPaymentSession when starting a Charge
  • New Endpoints to fetch, list, create and update the following entities in the tariffs context:
    • Tariffs
    • Period Groups
    • Recurring Periods
  • Added endpoint to generate the Prices for a given tariff

⚠️ Breaking change

  • Previously, the userId field for Team Member was a non-nullable field, from this version onwards this field is nullable.

📝 Docs

  • Added/Updates API documentation for Price Groups, Team Members, and Tariffs
  • Added detailed documentation for Price Groups.


🚀 Feature

  • Beta Price Groups endpoints are officially retired. The new price groups endpoints will be available soon
  • Wallet Transactions can now be fetched by teamId
  • Added the referenceId field for Wallet Transactions
  • Added support for filtering resources with null partnerExternalId
  • Added new /api/v1/consumers/me, api/v1/auth/me is now deprecated, please migrate to the new one
  • Exposing operator data for:
    - Teams
    - Charges
    - Charge Points,
    - Charge Auth Tokens,
    - Sites

🐛 Fix

  • Fixed typo for team-has-fund payments method

📝 Docs

  • Removed beta Price Groups docs
  • Added documentation for new Consumer endpoint
  • Updated documentation for existing endpoints, query parameters, and fields


🚀 Feature

  • Added a Patch Team Member endpoint. Setting charge point ids for a Team Member is now supported
  • Ability to sort Charge Points by location via the sortByLocation query parameter
  • Updated Charge Point Model to expose the models supported features
  • Updated Charge Point model to expose the evse_id

📝 Docs

  • Updated documentation for new endpoints, query parameters, and fields


🚀 Feature

  • Ability to filter Charges by partnerExternalId
  • Ability to provide partnerExternalId and partnerCustomPayload when starting a Charge
  • Expose new fields partnerExternalId and partnerCustomPayload for Charges
  • New patch endpoint to update partnerExternalId and partnerCustomPayload for Charges
  • New Endpoints to create and update the following entities:
    • Teams
    • Sites
    • Charge Points
  • New Endpoints to fetch one or multiple:
    • Charge Point Connectors
    • Charge Point Brands
    • Charge Point Models
    • Countries

📝 Docs

  • Fixed missing charge-points/maps query filters
  • Added documentation with new endpoints:
    • Teams
    • Sites
    • Charge Points
    • Charge Point Connectors
    • Charge Point Brands
    • Charge Point Models
    • Countries


🚀 Feature

  • Added new Charge Point fields: brandName, modelName, firmwareVersion and integrationType
  • Added new field partnerCustomPayload on the following entities:
    • Charge Point,
    • Charge Auth Token,
    • Charge Point,
    • Team
  • New patch endpoint to update partnerExternalId and partnerCustomPayload for the following entities:
    • Charge Point,
    • Charge Auth Token,
    • Charge Point,
    • Team
  • Added endpoints to fetch and list Team members.
  • Ability to create Charge Auth Token assigned to a User.

🐛 Fix

  • Removed legacy \chargeAuthTokens endpoint.

📝 Docs

  • Updated Charge Point states.


🚀 Feature

  • Added new fields to Charge model: soc (State of Charge), socLimit and priceLimit
  • Added new field to Charge Point model: cablePluggedIn - indicates if a cable is plugged in currently
  • Added partnerExternalId to Charge Point, Site, Charge Auth Token and Team models
  • Added query parameter partnerExternalId to filter by it on Charge Point, Site, Charge Auth Token and Team index endpoints



  • Added endpoints to fetch Price Groups - this group of endpoints is subject to change in a near future release


🐛 Fix

  • ⚠️ Breaking change: Wallet transaction's field updated_at is optional



New Base URL

The new base url for the Partner API is partner-api.monta.com

The previous one (partner-api.monta.app) is deprecated and will continue to work until 01.04.2023.

🚀 Feature

  • Added support to create and delete Charge Auth Tokens
  • Added support to fetch one or multiple Teams
  • Added field operatorNote to Charge Point responses

🐛 Fix

  • Renamed /chargeAuthTokens endpoint to /charge-auth-tokens
    request parameters and response payloads will remain the same,
    we will support both endpoints until at least 13-02-2023
    then we will effectively remove /chargeAuthTokens

📝 Docs

  • Updated API documentation includes:
    • New endpoints to create and delete Charge Auth Tokens
    • New endpoints to fetch Teams
    • New Charge Point field
    • Instructions to migrate from the deprecated /chargeAuthTokens endpoint


🚀 Feature

  • Charges can now be filtered by the combined filter chargeAuthType and chargeAuthId
  • New endpoints added to fetch one or multiple Charge Auth Token
  • Added a new field lastMeterReadingKwh to Charge Point

📝 Docs

  • Updated API documentation includes:
    • New endpoints to fetch Charge Auth Token
    • New Charge filters
    • New Charge Point field

🐛 Fix

  • Endpoint /api/v1/me would not work with certain scopes
  • Fetching a Wallet Transaction by id was not working


🚀 Feature

  • Filter Charges, Sites and Charge Points by teamId
  • Wallet Transactions now have the createdAt and updatedAt fields
  • New fields kwhPerHourand stopReason added to Charge, allowing you to retrieve information:
    • The total Kwh consumed for that charge, split by hour
    • The reason why the charge was stopped

📝 Docs

  • Endpoints now also have the most important errors documented
  • General cleanup of examples and descriptions to help auto-generate valid requests


🚀 Feature

  • New field chargeAuth added to Charge, allowing you to retrieve information about the authentication method used to authenticate the charge
  • Charge, ChargePoint and Site now have the createdAt and updatedAt fields

🐛 Fix

  • siteId query param of /api/v1/charge-points would allow for string values. This will now return a 400 - Bad Request if the value is not a number.

📝 Docs

  • Update documentation for auth/me and pagination parameters.