Charge Start Sources


Start sources are essential to identify how a charge was started, for example, charges started via the Monta iOS app will have the app-ios as the startSource, Charges started via partner-api are identified as server-api

This is an ever-growing list, and new values can be added, consumers should implement the necessary fallbacks.

Start Sources Types

apiCharge started from the app, this is a legacy value used before api-app and api-ios were introduced.
api-webCharge started from
api-app-clipCharge started by scanning the QR Code seen on public and roaming charges.
api-iosCharge manually swiped to start by the user, in the Monta App, using an iOS device.
api-androidCharge manually swiped to start by the user, in the Monta App, using an Android device.
hubject-cpo-apiCharge started by a user of another EMSP where Monta is the CPO, The connection with the EMSP goes over the Hubject.
hubject-cpo-auth-tokenCharge started via charge key by a user of another EMSP on a charge point where Monta is the CPO, The connection with the EMSP goes over the Hubject.
hubject-emp-auth-tokenCharge started via charge key where Monta is the EMSP on charge point of another CPO, The connection between Monta and the CPO goes over Hubject.
ocpi-cpo-apiCharge started by a user of another EMSP where Monta is the CPO, The connection with the EMSP goes over the OCPI protocol.
ocpi-cpo-auth-tokenCharge started via charge key by a user from another EMSP on a charge point where Monta is the CPO, The connection with the EMSP goes over the OCPI protocol.
ocpi-emsp-auth-tokenCharge started via charge key where Monta is the EMSP on charge point from another CPO, The connection between Monta and the CPO goes over OCPI.
cpi-auth-tokenCharge started by scanning the RFID charge key.
vehicle-vidCharge started by vehicle authentication.
instant-startCharge started automatically via the autoStart functionality, the charge starts once the cable is plugged in.
instant-start-unknown-tag_idCharge started by plugging in the vehicle but, authorization was not performed.
auto-start-instantCharge started via AutoStart functionality, this needs to be enabled, and the charge starts once the cable is plugged in.
payter_startCharge started via Payter terminal.
payter_rfid_startCharge started via Payter terminal authorized via RFID card.
rescheduleCharge started via rescheduled action.
auto-start-smartCharge started via the autoSmartCharge functionality, using a charging profile based on setup parameters before the user enables this feature.
auto-start-scheduleCharge started via the scheduled functionality.
server-apiCharge started via Partner-Api. (Note: changed to partner-api from 13.01.25)
portalCharge started via Portal.
system-missing-paymentCharge that is missing the relation between an idTag to a payment source.
transaction-syncer-ownerCharge was started and completed while the unit was in touch with the Monta backoffice syncs values once the connection was re-established.
charging-ruleCharge started by a set of defined charge rules.
partner-apiCharge started via Partner-Api. (Note: changed from server-api from 13.01.25)
public-apiCharge started via Public-Api. (Note: changed from server-api from 18.12.24)
unknownUnknown start source, This value will be assigned when none of the above is possible.