Fair Use Policy

Fair Use Policy for Rate Limits

At Monta, we enforce rate limits on most of our API endpoints to ensure fair and optimal access for all partners. However, for a select few endpoints where strict rate limits are not enforced, we apply a Fair Use Policy. This policy outlines the expectations and guidelines for reasonable use of those endpoints, ensuring the system remains performant and accessible for everyone.

1. General Usage Expectations

  • While most endpoints have defined rate limits, certain endpoints operate under this Fair Use Policy, allowing greater flexibility. For these endpoints, we expect API consumers to make efficient and responsible use of the API, avoiding excessive or unnecessary requests that could degrade system performance.
  • Monta actively monitors API usage, and excessive or abnormal activity on Fair Use endpoints may lead to temporary rate limiting or other corrective actions.

2. Prohibited Actions

  • Excessive Polling: Repeatedly querying the same endpoint at a high frequency without valid business need is discouraged. Implement appropriate caching strategies and avoid unnecessary polling.
  • Bulk Requests: Sending a large number of bulk requests in rapid succession may negatively impact system performance.
  • Concurrent Connections: While we do not enforce strict limits on concurrent connections for Fair Use endpoints, opening numerous simultaneous connections may trigger system warnings and temporary restrictions.

3. Best Practices

  • Optimal Polling and Caching: Design your system to poll data at reasonable intervals and use caching mechanisms to minimize redundant API calls.
  • Exponential Backoff: If you encounter errors such as 429 (Too Many Requests), implement an exponential backoff strategy to space out retry attempts.
  • Error Handling: Properly handle error responses, ensuring you address the underlying issues before retrying requests to avoid unnecessary system strain.

4. Monitoring and Corrective Actions

  • Monta continuously monitors API usage. For Fair Use endpoints, we may reach out to API consumers demonstrating excessive or inefficient usage patterns to collaborate on optimizing their integration.
  • In cases of continued overuse or non-compliance, we may impose temporary rate limits or other measures to maintain system stability for all API consumers.

5. Consequences of Misuse

  • Persistent violations of this Fair Use Policy may lead to temporary suspension of API access for the affected endpoints or, in extreme cases, permanent restriction of API access.
  • Our goal is to maintain fair access for all partners, and we will take necessary actions to protect the integrity and performance of our system.

6. Contact and Support

  • If your business requires higher usage levels or if you have specific needs that exceed the Fair Use guidelines, please reach out to Monta Support at [email protected] to discuss customized solutions.

By using Monta's API, you agree to comply with both the enforced rate limits and this Fair Use Policy for the applicable endpoints. We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a fair, high-performing API environment for everyone.