Generating the signature (Example)

This page describes by example how you validate the signature of incoming requests


To allow you to validate incoming events, we are signing every request with a signature as part of the header field X-Monta-Signature.

The value has the following format: sha1={signature}

The signature is generated using this algorithm: HMAC-SHA1 with your webhookSecret as key (Bytes) and the request body as input.


Given you have set the following secret for your Webhook config: top-secret

And assuming we are sending this (simplified) payload (Post Body): {"foo": "bar"}

We would generate this signature: sha1=d7f7fb0093470143a57bc39a3d9f0bb61fa67131 and deliver it in the header (X-Monta-Signature).

Generating the signature (Kotlin)

val secret = "top-secret"  
val payload = "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}".toByteArray()  
val signature = SignRequest.generateSignature(secret, payload)  
val expectedSignature = "sha1=d7f7fb0093470143a57bc39a3d9f0bb61fa67131"  
expectThat(signature).describedAs("Signatures should match").isEqualTo(expectedSignature)

// Used Methods with outputs


// key = "top-secret", payload = [123, 34, 102, 111, 111, 34, 58, 32, 34, 98, 97, 114, 34, 125]  
fun generateSignature(key: String, payload: ByteArray): String {  
    val signingKey = SecretKeySpec(key.toByteArray(), SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM) // key.toByteArray = [116, 111, 112, 45, 115, 101, 99, 114, 101, 116]  
    val hmac = Mac.getInstance(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM)  
    // hmac.doFinal(payload) = [-41, -9, -5, 0, -109, 71, 1, 67, -91, 123, -61, -102, 61, -97, 11, -74, 31, -90, 113, 49]  
    // hmac.doFinal(payload).toHexString() = "d7f7fb0093470143a57bc39a3d9f0bb61fa67131"  
    return SIGNATURE_PREFIX + hmac.doFinal(payload).toHexString() // "sha1=d7f7fb0093470143a57bc39a3d9f0bb61fa67131"  

// converts ByteArray to Hex String  
private fun ByteArray.toHexString(): String {  
    val formatter = Formatter()  
    for (b in this) {  
        formatter.format("%02x", b)  
    return formatter.toString()  