June 2023


🚀 Feature

  • Ability to filter Charges by partnerExternalId
  • Ability to provide partnerExternalId and partnerCustomPayload when starting a Charge
  • Expose new fields partnerExternalId and partnerCustomPayload for Charges
  • New patch endpoint to update partnerExternalId and partnerCustomPayload for Charges
  • New Endpoints to create and update the following entities:
    • Teams
    • Sites
    • Charge Points
  • New Endpoints to fetch one or multiple:
    • Charge Point Connectors
    • Charge Point Brands
    • Charge Point Models
    • Countries

📝 Docs

  • Fixed missing charge-points/maps query filters
  • Added documentation with new endpoints:
    • Teams
    • Sites
    • Charge Points
    • Charge Point Connectors
    • Charge Point Brands
    • Charge Point Models
    • Countries