February 2023



New Base URL

The new base url for the Partner API is partner-api.monta.com

The previous one (partner-api.monta.app) is deprecated and will continue to work until 01.04.2023.

πŸš€ Feature

  • Added support to create and delete Charge Auth Tokens
  • Added support to fetch one or multiple Teams
  • Added field operatorNote to Charge Point responses

πŸ› Fix

  • Renamed /chargeAuthTokens endpoint to /charge-auth-tokens
    request parameters and response payloads will remain the same,
    we will support both endpoints until at least 13-02-2023
    then we will effectively remove /chargeAuthTokens

πŸ“ Docs

  • Updated API documentation includes:
    • New endpoints to create and delete Charge Auth Tokens
    • New endpoints to fetch Teams
    • New Charge Point field
    • Instructions to migrate from the deprecated /chargeAuthTokens endpoint